Worthy Press Release

Worthy is a lightweight, fast and minimalist way to track net worth, accounts, loans and control money spending. No bloats, just bare utility with style. Worthy has fast transaction entry, account grouping, multi-currency support, category management, spending and net worth reporting. Read more »

Devil is in the Detail

Mandelbrot SetThis is not a post about the importance of detail. It is about being careful when giving too much attention to the things that will stop you from achieving your goal. Many manufacturers and software developers share the concept that details are key to success, and by the way, are right. But why some of them fail? What differentiates the winners from the losers? Read more »

Solve Problems. Iteratively.

Sometimes subconscious mind helps us come up with a solution to the problem that has been haunting us for days. But sometimes we just need to sit down and work on it.
I realized I use the same problem-solving pattern whether as a designer or developer. It brings creative thoughts into the process and helps me stay focused, which is ā€” for the most part ā€” enough. See how it works.  Read more »